World Wide Recipes
Kumpulan Resep Masakan Indonesia dan Internasional.
ayam goreng lapis, ayam betutu, masak habang, chicken paella, ayam goreng mbok berek, ayam goreng mbok berek II, ayam pop, rendang ayam, botok ayam, ayam goreng terasi, ayam rica-rica, ayam lombok, ayam goreng kuning, ayam opor, pelecing ayam, ayam kecap jeruk, ayam goreng bumbu bali, ayam bumbu bali, ayam goreng kalasan, ayam goreng mentega, ayam goreng kalasan keringan, ayam bakar padang, paru goreng kering serundeng, besengek daging, malbi daging sapi, abon daging sapi, abon sapi, kresengan, sate manis, baso, gepuk daging, stup steak campur, sate merah, steak saus black pepper cheese, sate bumbu kemiri, sambal goreng paru, nasi kebuli, paru goreng kering, kua asang rusuk, omelet daging, rendang, kambing guling, serapah daging (bali), sate bumbu kacang, gulai gazebo, bakso, rib skewer, iga bakar petis, asam-asam ikan gabus, ikan kuah asam, gulai kepala ikan, ikan asin pedas, bandeng presto, ikan laut bakar bumbu kuning, ikan bumbu tauco, ikan goreng tepung, ikan bakar ala raja, pangek ikan, otak-otak pelepah jamur, kakap asem manis, pesmol, gulai kepala ikan kakap merah, woku ikan dibelanga, bandeng bumbu bali, masak ikan dibotoh, sasate bandeng (jawa barat), otak-otak ikan tenggiri, tekwan, siomay, grilled salmon rainbow sauce, nasi kebuli, nasi goreng kunyit, nasi hainan, gudeg, tumis bunga pepaya, tumis campur, sayur jagung manis, perkedel kemangi, sayur gurih buncis, soto mie udang, bakwan surabaya, mie petis siram, mi kuning siam, spaghetti bumbu bali, mie ayam bakso, mie ayam, kepiting asam pedas, udang pancet lado, palai udang segar, tom yam seafood, empek-empek palembang, telur petis lading, martabak telor, martabak telor 2, ketupat tahu, tahu gejrot, tumis tahu daging giling, bumbu dasar merah, bumbu dasar putih, bumbu dasar oranye, bumbu dasar kuning, bolu kenari kayumanis, puding busa coklat, roti goreng, puding karamel, tart kukus, kue nagasari, bingke siram, perut ayam, kue ruwok, kue mako, kue lumpur, sarikaya, kue kering kacang kismis, kue keju keripik jagung, kue mangkok, donat, bolu kukus spekoek, kroket, lapis surabaya, bika ambon, black forest cake, sus layars strawberry, bolu lapis aprikot, cashewnut balls, panca rasa juice, es alpukat, es teler, stamina juice, es jeruk dengan buah, es pelangi, es agar-agar, souffle kopi dingin, biji salak, pineapple milkshake, mango milkshake, easy Shrimp skillet, curried tofu salad, cheeseburger joes, tomato-cucumber raita, crescent samosas, thai-style beef salad over angel-hair pasta, spiced beef pho with sesame chile oil, sukiyaki, real deal chili, texas toasts with filet mignon, watercress and herb butter, beef noodle bowl, inside-out cheeseburgers, rigatoni with beef and eggplant ragu, eatingWell's picadillo, linguine with squash noodles and pine nuts, kootu curry, spaghetti with zesty bolognese, taco salad made over, california rolls, eggplant salad with lemon-flavored plum dressing, marinated bocconcini, snapper ceviche with childs and herbs, green beans in sesame dressing, rainbow pizza, yakiniku, gyoza, yakisoba, sushi cut and handrolls, moroccan-rubbed grilled steak and sweet potatoes, smothered sirloin steak in parmesan-peppercorn sauce, skirt steak with cilantro garlic sauce, beef chow mein, beef curry, sweet and sour meatball simmer, beef satays over thai salad, pecan-crusted beef tenderloin with juniper jus, korean-style steak and lettuce wraps, beef keema, beef and potato stroganoff, beef stew with winter vegetables, new york steak with mushrooms, mongolian beef kebabs with chile jam, beef stroganoff, beef boast braised in zinfandel, beef bourguignon, beef fried rice, golden pilaf, tasty tuna salad and cucumber chips, lemon grilled salmon, vietnamese beef and noodle soup, hungarian beef and potato soup, kenchin vegetable soup, beef mushroom barley soup, albondigas soup, cinnamon broiled chicken with raita, roast chicken dal, deep-fried chicken nuggets (tori no kara-age), sumac chicken with bread salad, spicy chicken wings, three cups chicken, chicken spread, sweet and sour chicken, fried chicken, chicken tikka, crescent samosas, basic (vegan) chocolate cupcake, grilled lime pound cake with raspberry sorbet, lemon-raspberry cake, chocolate cherry muffins, red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting, crabmeat with wasabi mayonnaise, naganegi stuffed with crabmeat, milk chocolate crêpe terrine, cheese manicotti, pie macaroni and cheese, seaweed and potato patties, tropical milkshakes, cherry cranberry shakes, mango margarita, americano cocktail, chai tea latte, breakfast cereal muffins, blueberry breakfast smoothie...dan banyak lainnya.